Tuesday's Meeting, Elon Assistant Dean

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Hey all, this Tuesday the Assistant Dean of Admissions from Elon Law School will be coming in to talk about law school. THIS IS A MANDATORY EVENT. The meeting will start at 6pm in Gardener 106 and we will try our best to get you all out as early as possible to watch the UNC vs. Duke game. No online RSVP is necessary for the event, I will take attendence at the meeting. However if you cant make it to the event either post it on the comments of this posting or feel free to email me. Hope to see everyone there!

6 Responses to “Tuesday's Meeting, Elon Assistant Dean”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I cannot make it tonight because I have a class at that time.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm sorry but I cannot make it tonight because I have a lab at that time. Sorry for the late-notice.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I cannot make it tonight due to a conflicting work schedule. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I cannot make it tonight due to my work schedule. I work from 5:30-6:30 and I thought this event started at 7, so I thought that I would have been able to make it. However, I just checked and saw that it was at 6. I'm sorry for the late notice.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, I told Beth, but just making sure you knew, I had class tonight during the meeting and couldn't make it.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, sorry I couldn't make the meeting. I was tutoring till 6:45. Sorry again!

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