Being that this is bid week, we have a lot of events and please try to make the majority of them as the bid decisions have yet to be made. Here is the schedule as follows for this week:
Interviews - 2nd floor Gardner Hall Monday.Tuesday, Wednesday
*There will be signs of where to go on the second floor posted out Gardner 105/106, please wear business casual attire
Tuesday, February 21 - Sarah Brandt of the Princeton Review, Gardner 209 7 pm
*There will be pizza and soda served at the event, please wear business casual for the speaker
Thursday, February 23 - mixer with law fraternity at the Carolina Brewery, 7pm
*The Carolina Brewery is located on Franklin street down past Hams going towards Carrboro, casual attire is fine
Saturday, February 25 - retreat, meet at ATM's behind Davis at 6 pm.
*The retreat has been changed from paintball to laser tag due to cost and liability issues. It will be held in Raleigh. We are currently looking for people to volunteer to drive people for the event. Casual attire is fine.
Tuesday, February 28- Dues for the semester are due to the treasurer Sara Furlow
*Since this is rush week I am assuming that everybody can make every event so RSVP is not necessary (however I will still be taking attendence at events). If there are extenuating circumstances requiring you to miss an event please email me or write on the comments section. While I understand that schedule conflicts arise, I unfortunately have to be a little more strict about attendence this week so I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to try and make everything.
I am sorry but I can not make it to the Tuesday speaker because I have a mandatory Daily Tarheel meeting at 7. But I will be at the rest of the events this week!
Just to clarify... you DO need to specifically confirm whether or not you are coming to the retreat on Saturday. As I stated in the e-mail, Sara and I need an exact count so we can get a check to pay for the event.
I'll be at all the events this week.
I will also be at the retreat on Saturday. I have a car and can drive two additional people in it, if need be.
I will be at the retreat on Saturday.
I will be unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday because I am working from 5-8 but will be at the rest of the functions, including the retreat Saturday.
I plan to attend the retreat on Saturday. I have a car and I will be willing to drive others.
I will be at the retreat on Saturday :)
I will be unable to attend the meeting tuesday, Jury Duty at the law school. I can come to the retreat though. I can drive people if necessary.
I'll be at the retreat Saturday!
I will be at the retreat Sat
I am unable to attend the meeting tuesday due to work from 6:30-9:30. However, I plan to make it to all upcoming events including the retreat on Saturday.
I'll be at the retreat Saturday.
I will be at the retreat and I can drive- I can take 3 other people in my car.
Thursday I have to work from 6:30-midnight but I will try to get those shifts taken.
I'll be at the retreat Saturday and I can also take 3 other people in my car.
I will be going to the retreat on Saturday. I can carry two or three people with me.
im going to the thing on saturday
Alright i can't go to the mixer because I am going to be a juror for the law frat tomorrow night. But i can go to the retreat!
I will be at the retreat on Saturday but will have to leave about half an hour early.
I will be at the retreat on Saturday but I might have to leave about a half an hour earlier.
I am unable to attend the event on Thursday, but I can attend and drive on Saturday.
I will be going to the retreat on Saturday.
I'll be at the mixer and the retreat
i'll be at the retreat on saturday!
I don't think I'll be able to go to the mixer on thursday but i'm going to the retreat!
I'm sorry I didn't make it to the mixer tonight! We had to watch a movie for French class at 5 and I thought it would be over in time but they started it late and it was 2 and a half hours :( However, I will definitely be at the retreat this weekend!
i'll be at the retreat
i am still sick ;( no retreat for me. have fun!
I will be at the retreat on Saturday.
sorry i wont be able to come tonight because i have to work. thank you
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